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New Colourway | Banded Iron | Jan 2019

New inspirations from our travels in the Pilbarra Region of Western Australia. From left to right: Paj Silk Fabric (click here to view), Superfine Merino wool tops (click here to view), Silk Mesh fabric (click here to view).
Treetops Workshops 2019
Nancy will be teaching a series of workshop May-July, 2019. There are a few spots still available in the following workshop. Please contact Nancy or the workshop coordinator for further information.
19-24 May 2019. Meditative Adornment – A Textile Maker’s Retreat to Bali, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. For more details Click Here. – ONLY TWO PLACES LEFT
31 May- 3 June 2019. 4-day Natural Rhythms workshop, Rosehaven Yarn Shop, Picton, Ontario, Canada. Contact Lesley Snyder for details at knit@rosehavenyarn.com or www.rosehavenyarn.com
6-7 June, 2019. 2-day Nuno Bead Meditation workshop, LuckyStone Studio, Glen Falls, New York, USA. Contact Robin Blackney-Carlson for details at robinbcson@gmail.com or www.luckystonestudio.com
20-21 June, 2019 2-day Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms workshop, Eureka Srpings, Arkansas, USA. Contact Edwige Denyszyn for details Edwigedenyszyn@gmail.com. – ONLY A FEW PLACES LEFT

Oct 2018 Australia Post has implemented extensive changes to their parcel delivery services. It particularly affects small businesses like Treetops. Here is a summary of what will effect you and how to get the most out of your postage costs.
- DOMESTIC PARCELS – There has a been a minimal price increase
Intl Economy (Air NO Tracking, NO Recourse for lost parcels) is now cheaper than ever,10+ business days delivery. We do NOT recommend using this service for parcels valued over A$100!
Intl Standard (Air with Tracking) This is a NEW service which allows tracking and medium speed delivery 3-10 business days. Around A$7.00 more than Economy.
Intl Express (Express Air with Tracking and Signature*) A very expensive service to use for such a small parcel. Fastest and most secure delivery service 2-4 business days. (*not available in all countries) - INTERNATIONAL PARCELS OVER 1KG – 2KG:
Intl Standard (Air with Tracking) This is a new service which allows tracking and medium speed delivery 3-10 business days.
Intl Express (Express Air and Tracking and Signature*) Fastest and most secure delivery service 2-4 business days. Over 1.5kg this service generally only costs around A$5.00 more than the Intl Standard service, in our opinion it is the best to use for parcels over 1.5kgs. (*not available in all countries) - INTERNATIONAL PARCELS OVER 2KG:
Intl Express – (Express Air and Tracking and Signature*) Fastest and most secure delivery service 2-4 business days. Only cost approximately A$5.00 more than the Intl Standard rate and is safer and faster.
Treetops has just ‘popped’ our finest bale of superfine Merino to date – 18.1 micron!! Very exciting for us, especially since wool is globally in such high demand and there are such limited supplies.Here at Treetops we are very lucky indeed to have such great connections to a great supply of superfine merino wool. Yes, the price has gone up, but so has the quality!
This new wool will be slowly working it way through our supply chain. We will be marking each new dye bath with a ‘NEW 18.1 Micron’red dot, until our existing wool stocks run out.
Test post variations
Day 25 – Natural Rhythms 30-Day Library Challenge
Layering fabrics to create blocks of colour, plus working on a different type of stripe structure. I enjoyed the challenge of trying to balance all the aspects of this sample without being too structured. Wondering if I achieved it?
Back of sample:
Materials: Tissue Silk Fabric in Blue Jean, Silk Mesh Fabric in Blue Jean. Colour Nuance superfine Merino wool tops in Royal Indigo, Blue Jay, Celery, Sea Spray, Moss. Hand dyed superfine Merino tops in Tarnish, Stormy Blue.
Day 7 – Natural Rhythms 30-Day Library Challenge
Working with stripe blocks of colour again. I was hoping to have graduation from one colour into the next, so in-between colours could be read as stripes (but this didn’t happen). Think I need to make a sample much longer than 50cm x 50cm to get the effect I was trying to create. I also experimented with using multi-layers of the Silk Mesh to obtain colour movement, and test its possibilities. There are between 2-4 layers of mesh in any one stripe, the fabric created is more a jacket weight cloth.
Materials: Silk Mesh in Regrowth. Superfine Merino tops Colour Harmony Regrowth
Have You Fulled Your Felt Enough?
Have you FULLED your felt enough?? One of the most common mistakes is to not fully felt your felt (Figure 8). These samples are from the same piece of Nuno felted Silk Mesh (Snowy Owl colourway) and superfine Merino tops (Black Pearl). Sample on the left has NOT been fulled enough – it will eventually pill and loose shape. Sample on the right has been fulled twice to reach the best results. Shrinkage was almost 50% , 10 -15 grams (.35 -.53 ounce) of wool was used per 1 metre square (40 inches square) of Silk Mesh fabric to created a lightweight nuno felted cloth. click here for more information (go to our article on Felting Instructions – Fully Felted Felt – Final Considerations).