Nancy Ballesteros, creative director and founder of Treetops Colour Harmonies, has found time in her busy schedule to start teaching again. Below are some of the dates and contact information for confirmed workshops. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact her
If you are interested in receiving workshop updates please sign up for our e-Newsletter at the top of our Treetops home page.
Landscapes for Journals

Have fun creating a Nuno felted Landscape which you could sew into a journal book cover (removable) or a frame as art for your wall.
In this one-day workshop we will play with various fabrics exploring the textures and images they can bring to your landscape. Dig deep and bring along exciting fabrics from your stash!! This technique is especially great for using recycled fabrics.
If you enjoy stitching felt is a wonderful medium to play with as the stitches create even more of a story.
For the Journal covers, simple sewing instructions will be given to finish your creation at home as there will not be enough time to sew your piece in class.
Master the Art of Drape

Are you continually disappointed by the felt you create??? How do you construct the felt cloth of your dreams??? We will spend the first day learning what it takes to make great THIN and drapeable felt. This involves not only understanding how much wool to lay down but what techniques it takes to FULL a really GREAT piece of thin felt.
Join us for a day of sampling. Give yourself the gift of learning new skills. This valuable knowledge will help you to create the cloth of your dreams.
This workshop is better as a two-day workshop; however, it can be taught in one-day but all the fulling will not be completed. If you choose two-day workshop option, we can also explore a unique abstract painterly-like method of working with Silk Hankies.
Playing with Colour and Felt

In this one-day Beginners Workshop we will focus on creating a colourful piece of wool felt which can lend itself to a microwave pot-holder, table trivet, water-glass coaster or simply a piece of art… You will come away with an understanding of the felting process and the endless applications which it can be applied.
Felting is a beautiful, tactile and meditative process. It is a great medium in which to endlessly explore and play with colour. Felt will warm your soul and excite your creative juices!
Wildflower Chair Cushion

In this one-day workshop, we will focus on felting a wonderfully soft and cozy Chair Cushion inspired by Wildflowers. Using a 100% Superfine Merino wool while learning a new wet felting method, you will come away with an understanding of the felting process and the endless applications which it can be applied. This is also a great project for using up any old wool scraps from your stash. Wool is not only warm and colourful but wonderfully therapeutic for your joints. Felting is a beautiful, tactile and meditative process – it can warm your soul and excite your creative juices. (Suitable for beginners).
Creative Journeys in Felt – An Exploration in Colour and Texture

Join us for an exploration in colour and texture using superfine merino wool, silk fabrics and fibres and a myriad of other textile materials. Creating felt is a simple process. An endless variety of outcomes can be achieved from home furnishings and wearables to sculptures and paintings.
In this one-day workshop we will focus on creating a piece of felt which could lend itself to a cushion cover, book cover, or simply a piece of art…. You will come away with an understanding of the felting process and the endless applications which it can be applied. I will bring a myriad of samples to feast upon.
Felting is a beautiful, tactile and meditative process – it can warm your soul and excite your creative juices. Come join us for a play! Suitable for beginners.
Felt Ottoman Upholstery Workshop

This is an intermediate level 3 day workshop you will learn how to felt and upholster your own cover for this little stool.
We will design an upholstery grade piece of felt which will then be cut, sewn and upholstered onto this stool base. If you don’t sew, we can help you with that… You can use either needle-felt fabric or hand-made prefelts. For more information see: Felted Ottoman Workshop
Natural Rhythms Infinity Loop (single or double) or Design an Infinity Poncho
Los Angles, USA June 2019

Create a superfine nuno felted Infinity Loop (either single or double loops) or design a versatile Infinity Poncho in a 4 or 5 day workshop. Discover how to apply Fibonacci’s Design Principles. Learn Nancy’s exciting new method for designing with ‘wet wool’- an amazing technique for creating both linear and rhythmical organic patterns. Explore some practical ideas for applying Colour Theory. For more information and to view photos of designs see: Natural Rhythms Infinity Loops and Infinity Poncho.pdf
Natural Rhythms Nuno Felted Wraps

Create a superfine nuno felted Natural Rhythms Wrap in a 4 or 5 day workshop. You can choose to add a hidden loop in the sash which offers fun options for how you can wear it. Discover how to apply Fibonacci’s Design Principles. Learn Nancy’s exciting new method for designing with ‘wet wool’- an amazing technique for creating both linear and rhythmical organic patterns. Explore some practical ideas for applying Colour Theory. For more information and to view photos of design see: Natural Rhythms Wraps with option Hidden Loop.pdf
Natural Rhythms Kimono Poncho

Create a superfine nuno felted Natural Rhythms Kimono Poncho in a 6 day workshop. Discover how to apply Fibonacci’s Design Principles. Learn Nancy’s exciting new method for designing with ‘wet wool’- an amazing technique for creating both linear and rhythmical organic patterns. Explore some practical ideas for applying Colour Theory. Students can choose to design with either structured linear lines or more rhythmical and organic patterns. You will have a choice of creating either a Silk fabric collar or a felted collar. Very basic sewing skills will be needed. For more information and to view photos of designs see: Master Natural Rhythms Kimono Poncho by Nancy Ballesteros
Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms

Exploratory sample workshop in a 2 or 3 day workshop. Discover how to apply Fibonacci’s Design Principles. Learn Nancy’s exciting new method for designing with ‘wet wool’ – an amazing technique for creating both linear and rhythmical patterns. Explore a few practical ideas for applying Colour Theory. For more information: Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms.pdf
Natural Rhythms Sequences for Scarves

Create a nuno felted scarf with linear or rhythmical patterns in a 2 or 3 day workshop. Discover how to apply Fibonacci’s Design Principles. Learn Nancy’s exciting new method for designing with ‘wet wool’. Explore a few practical ideas for applying Colour Theory. For more information: Natural Rhythms Scarves.pdf
Shifting Shapes | Couture Designs with Silk Hankies

Tired of struggling with Silk Hankies? Learn a unique technique for designing entire surfaces with Silk Hankies in a 4 or 5 day workshop. A myriad of garment shapes are on offer including shifts, aprons and tunics. For more information: Shifting Shapes.pdf
Hanky Panky Scarves – Playing Around with Silk Hankies

This scarf workshop is aimed at conquering how to use Silk Hankies in an easy and creative manner in a 2 day workshop. For more information: Hanky Panky Scarves.pdf
Nuno Bead Meditation

Bead Meditation

There is something especially wonderful about concentrating on one small intimate object at a time. Slowly recognizing the path you will take to release its beauty, to create something really unique. Each bead has this potential to be seduced out by the slow methodical meditation of creation. Hand stitching felted fabrics cultivates our creative spirit.
In this 2 1/2 – 3 day workshop we will be digging into our fabric stashes to find exotic and unusual fabrics to nuno felt into a mosaic – I call this ‘extreme felting’ – there is hardly anything we can’t felt! This mosaic will form the basis from which our beads will emerge. For more information: Nuno Bead Meditation.pdf
25-29 Sept, 2025. Southern Hemisphere Felting Convergence in Parnell, New Zealand. I will be teaching a variety of techniques at the Convergence for three of the four days. To put your name down for Expression of Interest and to obtain more information as it becomes available, please contact:
21 July, 2024. One-day “Playing with Colour and Felt” workshop Murray Arts and Craft Society, Pinjarra, Western Australia. Bookings open 17 June, 2024. Booking at Flyer can be viewed here.
1-2 Oct, 2024. Two-day workshop with FeltWest ‘Mastering the Art of Drape and Exploring Silk Hankies‘. Booking through
1 July & 9 July, 2023. Two-day workshop with FeltWest. Create Nuno collage one day and then come back the second day for bead stitching. Booking through FeltWest. Click link to sign up: Meditation Beads with Nancy Ballesteros – Feltwest.AUSTRALIA 2022:
9 April, 2022. One day workshop. Create and Meditate. Fibonacci Centre Heart Place, 19 Blinco St, Fremantle, Western Australia. 9:00-4:00. Bead Meditation with Nancy Ballesteros and scared songs by Kavisha Mazzella. Booking inquiries: Marie Jacquier, 0409796183. To book use Trybookings at: Create and Meditate.
29 April – 1 May, 2022. 2 1/2 day. Bornholm Hall, Great Southern, Western Australia. Felted Ottoman Workshop Hosted by FIGS. Contact: Maureen Nichols,
28 May, 2022. Zoom workshop with Feltmaker’s Ireland. Sensational Stripe Sequences based on Fibonacci’s Design Principles. Contact: Fiona Leech,
4-5 June, 2022. Perth, Western Australia. Hanky Panky Scarves-playing around with Silk Hankies. Hosted by FeltWest,
11-12 June, 2022. Busselton, Western Australia. Designing Silk Surfaces. Hosted by Bunbury Felting Group. Contact: – cancelled, to be rescheduled to a later date.
21 Nov, 2021. Mt. Hawthorn, Perth, Western Australia. Kaleidoscopic Felting. Hosted by Art Garage 191. Tickets: Evenbrite: Click Here.
30, 31 May, 1 June, 2021. Perth, Western Australia. Felted Ottoman Workshop. Contact: Nancy Ballesteros,
2-5 Sept, 2021. Perth, Western Australia sponsored through FeltWest. Natural Rhythms Kimono Poncho. Details to be announced. Contact: or Workshops – Feltwest.
PLEASE NOTE : To attend the IFA workshops you will need to be a member of the International Feltmakers Association. To join Click here.
25-26 April, 2020. Dublin, Ireland. Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms. Contact: Maureen Cromer at
1-3 May, 2020. IFA Region 7, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK. Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms. Contact: Gay MacBeth at
7-8 May, 2020. IFA Region 4, London, AGM workshop for International Feltmakers Association. Hanky Panky Scarves – playing around with Silk Hankies workshop. Contact: Cathy Unwin at
15-17 May, 2020. IFA Region 2, New Forest, UK. Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms. Contact: Chris Lines at
23-26 May, 2020. Felt in the Factory, Herefordshire, UK. Natural Rhythms – Kimono Poncho. A 4-day garment workshop. Contact: Kathie Barrs at
29-31 May, 2020. IFA Region 1, Exeter, UK. Natural Rhythm Sequence for Scarves. Contact: Belinda DeLany at
4-6 June, 2020. IFA Region 11, Maccleafield, Cheshire, UK. Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms. Contact: Alison Rose at
9-11 June, 2020. IFA Region 10, The Old Mill Limited, Skeeby, Richmond, North Yorkshire, UK. A three day residential workshop: Natural Rhythm Sequence for Scarves. Contact: Jane Mercer at
13-14 June, IFA 2020. Region 10, Knayton Village, North Yorkshire, UK. Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms. Jane Mercer at
4th Sunday afternoon – Tues 6th Oct, 2020. Hanky Panky Scarves- playing around with Silk Hankies, 2 1/2 day workshop. Contact: Becky, Art Loft Oklahoma, Guthrie, Oklahoma. email: Phone: (405) 822-0366
7th Oct Wed evening – Sunday 11 Oct, 2020. Natural Rhythms – Infinity Wrap/Poncho, 4 1/2 day workshop. Contact: Becky, Art Loft Oklahoma, Guthrie, Oklahoma. email: Phone: (405) 822-0366
15th -18th Oct, 2020. Natural Rhythms – Kimono Poncho 4-day workshop. Contact: Jennifer Bencharsky, Newberg, Oregon., email: Phone: (971) 264-9333
22nd-23 Oct, 2020. Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms, 2-day workshop. Contact: Jennifer Hoag, Williston, Vermont., email: Phone: (802) 288-8081
24-25 Oct, 2020. Natural Rhythm Sequence for Scarves 2-day workshop. Contact: Jennifer Hoag, Williston, Vermont., email: Phone: (802) 288-8081
31st Oct – 4th Nov, 2020. Shifting Shapes | Couture Designs with Silk Hankies 4-day workshop. Contact: Lesley Snyder, Picton, Ontario, Canada. , email: Phone: 613.476.9092
19-24 May 2019. Meditative Adornment – A Textile Maker’s Retreat to Bali, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. For more details Click Here. – ONLY ONE PLACE LEFT
31 May- 3 June 2019. 4-day Natural Rhythms workshop, Rosehaven Yarn Shop, Picton, Ontario, Canada. Contact Lesley Snyder for details at or SEVERAL PLACES LEFT
6-7 June, 2019. 2-day Nuno Bead Meditation workshop, LuckyStone Studio, Glen Falls, New York, USA. Contact Robin Blackney-Carlson for details at or SEVERAL PLACES LEFT
8-9 June, 2019. 2-day Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms workshop, LuckyStone Studio, Glen Falls, New York, USA. Contact Robin Blackney-Carlson for details at or – FULL
20-21 June, 2019 2-day Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms workshop, Eureka Srpings, Arkansas, USA. Contact Edwige Denyszyn for details – FULL with Waiting List
24-28 June, 2019. 5-day Natural Rhythms workshop, Los Angles, California, USA. Contact Beth Marx for details at or – FULL with Waiting List
2,3 & 5 July, 2019. 2-day Developing a Sample Library of Natural Rhythms workshop, Tuscon, Arizona, USA. Contact – FULL
21 April 2018. Nine ways to Lay-out Wool. Free demo held at FeltWest, Craft House, Menora, Western Australia. More more info go to:
4-6 May 2018. Nuno Bead Meditation, FeltWest, Craft House, Menora, Western Australia. For more details and sign up go to: or Click Here
22 June 2018. Silk Papermaking, Art Loft Oklahoma, Guthrie, Oklahoma, USA. For more details and sign up contact:
23 June 2018. Exploring the World of Nuno Felting, Art Loft Oklahoma, Guthrie, Oklahoma, USA. For more details and sign up contact:
24 June 2018. Nuno Felted Scarf, Art Loft Oklahoma, Guthrie, Oklahoma, USA. For more details and sign up contact:
4-5 August 2018. Sensational Stripe & Colour Sequences for Fashion & Interiors. Bunbury Felting Group, Bunbury, Western Australia. For more details contact:
28-30 Sept 2018. Natural Rhythms in Colour, Craft House, Menora (Perth), Western Australia. This is a three day workshop which includes practical Colour Therory. We will be creating a Single or Double Infinity scarf or wrap. Contact: for further information and to sign up.